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The Lion produced by Danielle Tarento in association with Arizona Theatre Company.  Book, Music and Lyrics by Benjamin Scheuer.  Performed by Max Alexander-Taylor  
Southwark Playhouse

May 2022
Direction: Alex Stenhouse and Sean Daniels

Musical Supervisor: Jordan Li-Smith
Set & Costume: Simon Kenny
Lighting: Emma Chapman
Sound: Andrew Johnson

Photos by Pamela Raith

“He is assisted by a finely graded lighting scheme, courtesy of Emma Chapman.”

Plays to See

“The smaller performance area of the Southwark Playhouse was beautifully lit by strategically placed light bulbs.

Playhouse Pickings

“Bare light bulbs, used in Emma Chapman's clever lighting design, rise from the floor and hang from the ceiling.

Broadway Baby

“There is a delicacy to Emma Chapman's lighing design that complements the narrative beautifully.

The Stage

“Effective set design from Simon Kenny, beautiful lighting from Emma Chapman and inspired direction from Alex Stenhouse and Sean Daniels elevates this production to something truly special.

All That Dazzles

“I could see the audience because of the beautiful lighting throughout the auditorium and that changes to reflect emotions and what's happening in the story.

Curtain Up Show

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